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Staff Sgts. Alan Brunke (left), and Bryan Purtell (right) decorate a Christmas tree for the 401st Expeditionary Air Base Group at Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Dec. 15, 1998. Both are deployed to Tuzla in support of Operation Joint Forge. Brunke is deployed from F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. Purtell is deployed from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany.

Autor: Staff Sgt. Scott Reed, U.S. Air Force
Zdroj: defense.gov
Licence: public domain
Klíčová slova: vánoce military_christmas christmas_army

Staff Sgts. Alan Brunke (left), and Bryan Purtell (right) decorate a Christmas tree for the 401st Expeditionary Air Base Group at Tuzla Air Base, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Dec. 15, 1998. Both are deployed to Tuzla in support of Operation Joint Forge. Brunke is deployed from F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. Purtell is deployed from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany.

Autor: Staff Sgt. Scott Reed, U.S. Air Force
Zdroj: defense.gov
Licence: public domain

DVV2014-Svornost-CB_polozeni_kvetin_za_Cesky_svaz_bojovniku_za_svobodu.JPG DVV2014-Svornost-CB_polozeni_vence_za_Svornost.JPG DVV2014-Svornost-CB_recitace_basni_Jaroslava_Cecha.JPG OEF_Dec28_2004_Christmas_Eve_Humanitarian_Assistance-003.jpg dscn0336.jpg
Informace o obrázku
Název souboru:christmas1.jpg
Jméno alba:Michal Kroužek / Vojáci a Vánoce
Klíčová slova:vánoce / military_christmas / christmas_army
Velikost souboru:44 KB
Přidáno kdy:15. Listopad 2014
Rozměry:500 x 376 pixelelů
Zobrazeno:23 krát
Oblíbené:Přidat do oblíbených
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HTML code:<a href="https://galerie.vojsko.net/displayimage.php?pid=22903"><img src="https://galerie.vojsko.net/albums/userpics/10003/christmas1.jpg" alt=""></a>