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Owen Gun (Owen Machine Carbine)32 zobrazeníGen. Sir Harry Chauvel spolu s dalšími muži vyzbrojenými samopalem Owen Gun

32 zobrazeníZdroj: United States Army Center of Military History / wikipedia
Licence: public domain

32 zobrazeníZdroj: history.army.mil

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32 zobrazeníZdroj: englishrussia.com

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32 zobrazeníClick photo for screen-resolution image Army Sgt. Maj. Della St. Louis, operations sergeant major for Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, takes her real Christmas tree on a tour of Camp Taji, Iraq, to have soldiers of the camp help decorate it. Photo by Cpl. Benjamin Cossel, USA
Zdroj: defense.gov

32 zobrazeníArmy Spc. Brian Sumler (front) and Pvt. Justin Forman, both from Bebe, Ark., with Headquarters Company, 39th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, place candy canes on a real Christmas tree in Camp Taji, Iraq. Photo by Cpl. Benjamin Cossel, USA
Zdroj: defense.gov

32 zobrazeníArmy Spc. Freddy Barahona, left, and Army Spc. Michael Hanes enjoy their Christmas at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Kristin Fitzsimmons, USN
Zdroj: defense.gov

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